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Strawberry Thief(草莓小偷)Morris&Co.里最经典的纹样之一

发布时间:2020-12-01  阅读:710次   字号:  
 Strawberry Thief 草莓小偷


The eyecatching Strawberry Thief is one of William Morris’ most iconic designs. He wasinspired to create the original fabric after watching thrushes stealingstrawberries from the kitchen garden of his countryside home in Oxfordshire.



May Morris remarked,"You can picture my Father going out in the early morning and watching the rascallythe gardener who growls,“I”d like to wring their neck!' that no bird in thegarden must be touched."With Strawberry Thief,Morris perfected the entirecloth to be dyed blue before it was bleached and block printed,in this casewith more colors than any of his other textiles.

威廉.莫里斯的女儿May Morris说:“你可以想象我父亲一大早出门就看到园丁在大喊咆哮,不让画眉鸟偷吃草莓!”在《草莓小偷》一书中,莫里斯完善了整件布料的染色工艺,使其在漂白和印花之前先染成蓝色,在这种情况下,它的颜色比其他任何纺织品都要好得多。

·这件Willow Morris的Strawberry Thief(草莓小偷)纺织作品现在被永久收藏在英国V&A Museum(维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆),是莫里斯最有名的作品之一。

Strawberry Thief草莓小偷)这件作品的特别之处不只在于莫里斯的创意与绘画,更是因为莫里斯是第一次运用了来自古代东方的靛蓝印刷术,整幅作品从1875年到1881年历时六年才完成。这也开创了一个全新的艺术印刷时代。





今天,在很多地方都可以看到Strawberry Thief(草莓小偷)图案的身影,也常常被各式各样的品牌联名使用,包括很多我们耳熟能详的时尚品牌,LOEWE, Dr.Martens, H&M等等。

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